Nikita Unni
1 min readNov 11, 2019

On a Christmas Moon by Nikita Unni

On a Christmas moon,

A dark winter night,

Saint Nicholas comes a-knocking,

But not to give you a fright !

He jumps through chimneys,

Or opens your door,

He travels from London to Sydney;

In your house, he creeps up the floor;

He lays out the presents,

First your sister’s then yours !

He carries with him a sack,

Of gifts galore!

But this special visitor has a special request;

Now, finish your work! It’s on your desk!

Nikita Unni

I am Nikita Unni and I am 12 years old. I will sharing my poetry, stories and paintings here. Note: I haven’t been online on this account for a while.