How can you help the world?
As many of us know, the Earth has many issues such as pollution, deforestation etc. Some of us think that only big changes matter in making the world a better place for us all to live in. But that is not true, as today we can do little things we often don’t do in our every day lives that can help the planet be a better place. A fun fact, (and a good one), now in the UK if you build a house and chop down trees to make space to build it, the law says you have to plant as many trees as you have chopped down! This means new trees will be added to the environment in place of the old ones.
Greta Thunberg
Greta Thunberg is a climate change activist from Sweden. When she was eight, she learned about climate change and was so surprised that so little (nearly nothing!) was being done about it! When she was eleven, she decided to take action. Now she goes to parliament to protest and gives speeches that raise awareness of environmental issues and impacts of climate change.

Things you can do to help the world
You can do little things to help the world. The little things make a big difference! The following are some easy and simple things that you could do every day to make a difference.
1. Turn off the light
Let’s say, it’s a bright and early morning. We are in lock-down, so you go to your room to start up your computer for school. However, as you enter the room, most likely, the first thing you do is turn on the light! But, how can this electricity affect the earth? Electricity can disrupt life on earth as one of the ways of making the electricity that you use in day-to day life is by burning coal. If you turn the lights off, (at least when you don’t need it), it reduces carbon dioxide emissions.

2. Don’t Pollute and Reuse
Maybe if you have a gadget or device, you can do your schoolwork online without printing it. I have a computer so I can complete my work online on Google Docs or Slides. Paper for printing comes from trees! Moving onto litter, let’s say you are at the beach, you see a few recyclable plastic bottles and plastic bags and just walk past as you are hurrying to, maybe your surfing board. You could have picked up one bottle and ran to the nearby recycling bins, but you didn’t. I think this is a good example of how people are in a hurry to do something that they forget or ignore anything that maybe takes a minute or two. It would be really helpful if everyone could help litter-pick.

3. Give up one plastic item in everyday life
An example of two plastic items I have given up are simple things I use every day! I have given up my plastic toothbrush and snack-pot for bamboo supplies of them, and bamboo is much more sustainable for earth than plastic, as it is biodegradable. Biodegradable means that something can be decomposed by other living organisms. Bamboo is biodegradable so it can’t be polluted! Below is a photo of the two examples of the bamboo things I now have.

4. Cars!
Cars that run on fuel are bad for the environment because, like we said before, fuel burns coal found in the earth, which is very bad for the environment as it goes into the O-Zone Layer and affects the temperatures, which is Global Warming. You can make helping the world fun, let’s say, maybe after lock-down you can set yourself a challenge to walk, or cycle to school! If you have an electric car that is good as well!

Hopefully after reading this blog you are influenced to help the world in any way you think is good. This could be not polluting, just turning off the light, or giving up one plastic item. If you manage to do one of the things I have said, or something else to help, please feel free to mention it in the responses! I also think that if everybody tried to make a difference the world could become healthy and clear of pollution and dangerous fuels again!