Miss Primrose
About Miss Primrose down the street, there’s something you didn’t know,
In her abode the floor is wide, her garden she doesn’t mow,
I heard once she went fishing and got a streak of six salmons in a row!
She’s pale with a long neck,
She’s very good at swimming;
The shady tree near her home is wrecked,
And she’s not very good at singing.
She’s got three tall children,
All grown up I’ve been told,
They’re like her most valuable gold,
But today they left the pond down the street,
They fled far off without a chatter or a tweet!
About Miss Primrose down the street there’s something you didn’t know,
She’s my neighbour but she’s not neighbourly, oh no,
When she walks past my grand house, she goes on without a wave,
She waddles around without a word as if she’s got time to save!
I can’t understand what’s she’s trying to say,
When she tries to speak that way!
She’s got lovely blue eyes which shine in the sun,
And a cheerful chatter when she’s having fun,
She’s very sprightly when she’s on the run,
And she’s willing any day for a yummy bread bun!
She’s scared of fake owls,
And a big dog that growls,
But they will never go,
That suits an old lady,
So mysterious, so shady,
Now hope that she’ll never know!
About Miss Primrose down the street there’s something you didn’t know,
The beautiful swan follows her bevy everywhere that they go,
She likes to sleep well in her nest,
And now that she’s old she needs some rest,
There are many things you’ll never know,
About the old swan Miss Primrose!