The Catronavirus

Nikita Unni
3 min readMay 16, 2020


By Nikita Unni

One fine day, Belle, a grey moggy was drinking her milk happily, when the BBC news turned on in her little home. Belle and her kittens watched on intently as the Ginger-Cat, president of The United States Of Americats, came on TV asking all cats to stay at home and not travel to Meowrope, where the Catronavirus has been making quite a few cats poorly. …’And that was how it all started….

A buzz on the news later in the evening, about Prime Minister Boris Johncat of the United Catdom shutting down schools! Belle’s kittens’ school had been shut down, and she had to look after them, and do Cat-work from home! Also, chief medic of cats had exclaimed on the news, that it was more likely for elderly cats to get it, and kittens carried the Catronavirus about, and it was easy to catch it from them.

By dusk, Granny and Grandpa Moggy came over for the “Hyle Family GET together”, and Belle worried about what Boris Johncat had said, ‘If you have loving elder-cats, or playful kittens, be sure to use the social distancing rules, as Catrona spreads through contact!’ And for the next hour, Belle gathered up some tips, about how to keep Pinky, Blue, Violet, and Ginger merely as close as allowed (due to social distancing), to their grandparents. Later, Belle read on Pawcial Media, i.e, Furbook, a post about Mad-Cats shopping and buying more than required. There was a picture of a grey Tabby, apparently called Purrskin, standing next to a HUGE STOCKPILE of Paw-Sanitizer, Litter Roll, Purracatimol, and who knows what else!

A few days later, things were only getting WORSE! Thousands of cats from around the world were affected by Catrona, and things were out of hand! The kittens whose parents worked for the CHP, (Cational Health Purrvice), were going to Kitty care and schools, and some of the neighborhood pets weren’t out and about as usual. Home got lonelier and lonelier, life was sad, families were torn apart in an unhappy manner, and Belle was under-pressure looking after her kittens! However, Blue, Pinky, Violet and Ginger did not seem to be bothered about the safety rules and social distancing and went about their day playing with each other. Belle was most upset when she heard the news that Grandpa Moggy was admitted to hospital as he had caught Catrona!!! This was truly turning into a nightmare!!

Suddenly, Belle shook herself, to an awake, conscious self, then realised in great relief that this whole Catrona scenario was just one of those silly dreams in her catnaps! Then she thought and sighed for a moment, “Ah, I can leave the virus business to my owners, I can be sure I am safe at last, because cats can’t get the coronavirus!” She beamed most contentedly.

But at the end of the day, Belle was most happy to know that she and her kittens were safe, and they had owners who loved them a lot. She decided the whole Catrona thing was just a nightmare, and she wasn’t scared, in fact after recalling it, she found it funny!

A little note: Hopefully someday somebody will find a cure to Corona!



Nikita Unni

I am Nikita Unni and I am 12 years old. I will sharing my poetry, stories and paintings here. Note: I haven’t been online on this account for a while.